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The Ascend Mastermind with Scarlett Cochran

AN INTIMATE MASTERMIND for EXPERTS AND COACHES who are ready to grow a multiple-six figure business that’s simple, profitable, and scalable.


Grow a profitable business that’s simple and sustainable. Do impactful work that fulfills you. Have the lifestyle and financial freedom you crave.

If you’re ready to let go of the overwhelm and stress of the frazzled entrepreneur so that you can build a sustainable business, then consider this your invitation to step into the next-level business you’ve been longing for.

You have big goals for your business,
but you don’t know how to get from where
you are now to where you want to be

When you first start a business you spend a lot of time just throwing things out there to see what works. 

You take in as much information as you can, buy all the courses, and try out the “hot” strategy of the moment.

It’s chaotic, but it’s effective–at least in the short term. 

But the problem is that running a business this way doesn’t set you up for stable, predictable long-term growth.

Your business feels unpredictable and you’re never sure how much money you’re going to make or what’s the next best move in your business.

been there.

You’ve been putting in the work to build a thriving business where you can do work that you love, use your expertise to help others, and create revenue that supports your ideal lifestyle.

And while you’ve seen some success in your business, you have these big ideas for what your business could become and it’s just not there yet.

You’re tired of the hustle, the piecemealing together tactics, and you’re ready to create a strategic, sustainable business that has depth, impact, and longevity.

You want a clear, cohesive plan for growing a rock-solid business that’s sustainable, profitable, and enjoyable. 

You can build a business that’s aligned, intentional, and profitable.

…A business that thrives year over year. A business that pays you well and provides the lifestyle freedom that you dreamed of when you set out on this entrepreneurship journey. 

And you can build your business in a way that feels authentic and enjoyable too. Where you feel in control of the direction of your business, how much money you make, and how much you work. Where you have plenty of time for rest and plenty of energy to show up as your best self in the other areas of your life.


The Ascend Mastermind

An intimate business mastermind for entrepreneurs who want to build a successful and sustainable business to multiple-six figures and beyond.

The mastermind will kick off with a 3-day live event where you will create your Ascension Blueprint to take your business to multiple-six figures and beyond. Then we’ll spend the next six months implementing that plan, evaluating the results, and taking the strategy to the next level.

This mastermind takes a holistic approach to business and coaching is custom-tailored to the unique needs of each business owner , but here are some core business topics we will be focusing on:


Your strategic plan for building a simple, profitable, and sustainable business year over year.


Cultivate your expertise and create content that serves your audience while building demand for your offers.

Offer Creation & fulfillment

Create irresistible offers with client transformation AND profitability in mind.


Create systems and cultivate a lean team that supports your business mission and provides an outstanding client experience.

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meet the coach

Hi, I’m Scarlett…

When I started my business,  I was working full time as a banking and finance attorney with a family to support and a mortgage to pay–quitting without a solid income was not an option.  

Through One Big Happy Life, I’ve been able to create a business that allows me to:
— do meaningful work that I love while growing my thought leadership and unique positioning in my space, 
— have the schedule flexibility that I crave so that I can volunteer in my son’s school while also growing a successful business and making time for rest,
— all while paying myself a six figure salary plus benefits, year after year–with my personal wealth on track to hit eight figures.

And I want that for you too. 

I believe that the best and fastest way to grow as successful business is to be mentored by someone who has done it. I can’t wait to teach you how to grow a business that is simple, strategic, profitable, and fulfilling. 


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Here are a few things
I’ve done in my business…


  • Launched a Youtube channel that hit over 19 million views and 200,000+ subscribers without hiring an expensive video editor.
  • Grew an email list from 0 – 30k without using paid advertising and solely through building an organic and authentic relationship with my audience.
  • Created a profitable business that allowed me to pay myself a six-figure salary while putting my oldest child through college and building my personal wealth.
  • Created courses and coaching programs that have resulted in over 1.5 million dollars in sales over the past four years .
  • Developed my own thought leadership and unique brand which created a multi-six figure book deal with a Top 5 book publisher to publish my first book.
  • Built the business systems that allows me to run a lean an profitable business with a small team of incredible people who are devoted to our mission and still have work/life balance.

Yes! I want to learn this. Tell Me The Details!

If you’re ready to start growing your business with confidence, then…

you’re invited to apply to

The Ascend Mastermind

Here’s What You’ll Experience…

Live 3-Day CEO Retreat

OCTOBER 19th – 21ST, 2022 | Charlotte, nc 

Learn the five core areas of business growth, think strategically about your business, and create your Ascension Blueprint:

— plan your business profits and priorities for the next year.
–clarify your offerings and marketing strategy.
–outline your launch goals and success metrics for the next two quarters.
–create a launch and messaging plan for your next offering.
–identify the essential business systems you need to create next.
–set goals for growing your team and which roles to hire for first.

You will leave the CEO Retreat with a clear vision for your business and a rock solid action plan with quarterly and monthly goals that will allow you to seamlessly execute that vision with ease.  

A Custom Plan 
for Your Business

Together we’ll co-create a rock-solid strategy and action plan for your business that is unique to you, your strengths, and your long term vision for your business.

In our 1:1 kickoff call , we’ll get clear on your business goals and areas of focus so that  you can take your business to that next level of growth as efficiently as possible.

Quarterly 1:1 Coaching Calls


Weekly Coaching Calls

Every week we will meet virtually via Zoom so you can get the personalized support, coaching, and evaluations to help you can implement the rock-solid action plan we co-created during the live event.

Each week you’ll learn valuable insights and strategies to help you keep the momentum going in your business. All calls are recorded and available for you to rewatch inside of the member portal.

Private Community

Collaborate with your fellow masterminders and get invaluable peer support and feedback as you implement your growth plan, step-by-step.

This is the place for you to share your wins, yes, but also get support when business is feeling heavy, because the lows are a normal part of business too. Having an supportive community to turn to is essential.

Pre-Mastermind Bonus Calls

bonus weekly coaching calls 

The Ascend Mastermind officially kicks off in October  2022 , but your transformation starts now. 

Join me for a bonus pre-mastermind live weekly coaching where we’ll start digging into your business positioning, offers, and finances. 

This is your opportunity to prime your business and your mindset for maximum success, grow your revenue, and make your investment back before the mastermind even starts.


The Power of a Mastermind

The Ascend Mastermind provides a container for you to grow your business with the guidance of a business mentor who has been where you’ve been.

Getting support in your business can mean the difference between staying stuck in confusion and stagnant growth for years versus building your first six or multiple-six figure year NOW.

Inside of Ascend you will create a simple and strategic plan to grow your business. You’ll mastermind with a curated high-caliber cohort of peers to collaborate with and gain new insights from. And you’ll have the support that you need to navigate the inevitable business challenges with more clarity  and ease than going it alone.  

You will build your business faster, being supported and guided the whole way.

are you ready to be fully supported as you build the business of your dreams?


This is for You IF…

here’s how you know if this mastermind is the right place for you

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You are an expert, coach, service provider building a business through marketing your offers online.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You’ve made at least $10k in your business in the past 12 months and you’re ready to grow to six figures and beyond.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You feel like you’ve been winging it in your business and you’re ready to have a clear strategy to grow your business to multi-six figures and beyond.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You’re want to be in an intimate mastermind where you get to work with a coach that knows you and understands your business.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You want to be in a room with other committed entrepreneurs who support and elevate each other and are committed to being present in the community.

This is for You IF…

here’s how you know if this mastermind is the right place for you

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You are an expert, coach, service provider building a business through marketing your offers online.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You’ve made at least $10k in your business in the past 12 months and you’re ready to grow to six figures and beyond.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You feel like you’ve been winging it in your business and you’re ready to have a clear strategy to grow your business to multi-six figures and beyond.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You’re want to be in an intimate mastermind where you get to work with a coach that knows you and understands your business.

  • .st0{fill:#BDBDBD;}

    You want to be in a room with other committed entrepreneurs who support and elevate each other and are committed to being present in the community.

What You’ll Learn…


  • Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.
  • Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.
  • Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.
  • Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.
  • Etiam dapibus est a arcu suscipit, sit amet ornare enim imperdiet. Cras et pretium erat.

I’m in! Take Me To The Application!

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The Investment

Masterminds are an investment into yourself and your business. What would it look life if you learned how to create six-figures in your business year after year? What would it look like if you could consistently pay yourself a six+ figure salary that would support your ideal lifestyle for the rest of your life? What if you could do work that was deeply fulfilling, had a positive impact on the world, and still have the schedule flexibility so you could show up fully for yourself and your loved ones? 

What would that be worth to you?


Frequently Asked Quesetions

WHat kind of business IS ASCEND A GOOD FIT FOR?

The Ascend Mastermind is for you, if you  have a knowledge or influence-based business:

  • you are an expert,
  • a coach,
  • a course creator,
  • a service provider, 
  • you teach a skill,
  • you create content that educates, inspires, and transforms,
  • or you are committed to building your skills and expertise so that you can grow into the thought leadership space.


Ascend Mastermind is for established business owners who have a business and want to grow that business to multiple-six figures and beyond using digital/online marketing.

If you are brand new to business and online marketing, start with our Business Simplified program. It’s designed to help you find your profitable business idea and create your first offer. Click here to learn more about Business Simplified.


The Ascend Mastermind starts on October 5th, 2022. 


Ascend is an intimate and curated business mastermind. As such, we are limiting enrollment for October 2022 to 15 people.


Reach out to my team at and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!


The simple answer is that you  have to decide to commit to showing up, asking for the support that you need, implementing, and troubleshooting. This is the only way to build a successful business that lasts.

Every person and every business is unique. Building a business is a matter of finding what works for you and your business and building the skills and mindset that will lead to the results you want in your business.

Inside of Ascend you will get the support, the mentorship, the strategy, and the trainings on business skills and concepts that will help you grow your business. The rest is up to you.

Are you ready to grow a fulfilling and profitable business with purpose?

I’m Ready! take me to the application!

embed your form here

 Pellentesque rutrum maximus leo vitae blandit. Vestibulum vel est eu sem laoreet dapibus. Pellentesque cursus semper purus, a gravida tortor. Ut ac urna magna. 

Grab Your Guide