The key to living a happy life is to purposefully design a life that’s meaningful and fulfilling to you. Creating the rich life you deeply desire starts by reflecting on where you are right now. Download the free workbook and start creating the life that you want today.
author and founder of one big happy life
I’m a Yale-law educated finance attorney and wealth expert. After almost a decade in non-profit consumer finance, I started One Big Happy Life, where I’ve taught millions of people just like you how to take control of their money and start building wealth.
But beyond the credentials, I’m also a person with hopes, kids, student loans, a mortgage, and a dream to leave a legacy behind. And yes, I want to enjoy my life too!
I’ve gone from being a single teen mom living under the poverty line to living the life of my dreams while also creating a multi-million dollar legacy for my children.
I’ve done it. And you can do it too. Let’s go.
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