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Become the CEO of Your Freedom Business

Live your dream life, have full control of your schedule, and make money doing what you love.


Startup CEO Academy is the ONLY program of its kind that provides a simple, step-by-step strategy to help you build your online business from the ground up so that you can quit your day job, do work that lights you up, and have true financial freedom.


Your 9-5 pays your bills but you know there’s something bigger that’s calling you…

You’ve done the traditional day job thing. And yes, you’ve seen success. 

But every day that you do that same commute to that same office chair (when you’d rather be home in some comfy pants) there’s this part of you that feels like there’s something missing.

Your work stopped being exciting a long time ago. 

Even when you do get to run with one of your big ideas, it quickly gets bogged down in red tape. You feel yourself pressing up against that glass ceiling but even if you do manage to break through to the other side, it’s not looking too enticing over there. 

More boring meetings. More office politics. 

And more and more you find yourself wishing that you could have the freedom to be in charge of your own schedule so you can spend more time with the people you care about.

If this sounds like you, then keep reading because this could possibly be that moment when EVERYTHING changes for you. The moment that you’ll look back on as the moment where you went from wishing to action.

the truth

You know that having your own business will give you the financial and life freedom that you want….


The 3 Reasons You Haven’t Been Able to Move Your Business from Dream to REALITY

Reason No. 1
Reason No. 2
Reason No. 3
Reason No. 1

You’re Overwhelmed and Distracted By
All the Tech, Tactics & Strategies

Let me guess: You started this whole business building thing with a fully loaded business podcast playlist and a full tank of motivation. But 300 Google searches and a fresh patch of gray hair later…And you’re still right where you started.

You got lost in “all the things” …all at once.

…What should my business name be?

….What the heck am I supposed to talk about?

…What if I don’t even have a website yet or any clue about how I’m actually going to make $?

Ugh. Like I said…All. The. Things. And they all have their place. But it’s in knowing the right sequence these strategies must be executed upon–and how to tackle them with complete confidence that allows you to take steps to grow your business every single day.

What you need: Confidence to double down on a super clear, “first do this then do that” simplified business building strategy that gives you visible momentum and unwavering motivation to keep stacking up those business building wins.

Reason No. 2

You’re Waiting For the “Right Time”

Life is busy, I totally get it. You have a big project coming up at work. Your kids are in the height of soccer season and you’re shuttling them to practice for 16 hours a day (or at least that’s what it feels like).

There’s just sooooo much STUFF. And as a busy working mom who built her freedom business on the side of her day job I feel you.

But here’s the truth: There is always be stuff. Life will never roll out the red carpet for you with flashing neon lights that say “Your Dream Business This Way!” You are the CEO of your life and your business. 

You get to decide that NOW is your time. That you are don’t putting off your dreams. And that you’re going to commit to giving yourself a few hours every week to build your freedom business.

What you need: A no-fluff, step-by-step business building strategy designed for busy 5-9 entrepreneurs just like you.

Reason No. 3

You’re Afraid That This Won’t Work

That’s right, we’re not pulling any punches here. Fear of failure is real. So instead of pretending that it doesn’t exist, we’re going to tackle that hairy beast head on. 

There’s something so safe about letting our dreams stay dreams, right? That way we can get all the feels that come with dreaming about our someday maybes. Months pass. Then years. And your dreams are still just as far off as they’ve ever been. 

And so you have to ask yourself, which is worse: failing because you never started or throwing your hat in the ring and knowing you gave it your all? 

Which one can you live with?

Here’s my favorite entrepreneurial secret: The only actual way to fail is to quit.

Anything short of that is still a work in progress, my friend. And building a freedom business is all about the progress over perfection.

What you need: A coach and a cheerleader who’s been where you are, learned to ride the fear wave, and is going to help you do the same.

The Good News Is…
Building a Profitable Business Is Easier Than Ever

And I’m guessing that by this point, you ALREADY know that building your own online business will give you the income and life freedom that you need in your life.

Maybe you didn’t know


  • Have the solid foundation to start profiting from all of those exciting online business revenue streams that you keep hearing about.
  • Quickly validate (and even pre-sell) new offers BEFORE spending countless hours trying to perfect them without real customer feedback
  • Possess a powerful and consistently growing asset that can literally generate revenue on demand
  • Reach more of the people who need your help and wake up to an inbox full of messages full of gratitude from your loyal fans and followers
  • Say no to the projects that don’t excite you so that you have the space for the things that truly light you up

YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you and your business (whether you’re starting for scratch or hitting reset for the 10th time)…

…but they do depend on taking a step-by-step approach.

One that leverages proven business building strategies while dodging all those sharp shiny objects that rip a hole through your momentum.

One that’s been my secret to growing my business to multiple-six figures even while I was still working at my day job–without a whole team managing my business and my life in order to do it!

And…One that you’ll excitedly point back to a few months from now when you have a solid business plan in place and are taking steps every day that turn followers into fans and customers. And if you’re still with me, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to my step by step business building system… 


A step-by-step all implementation and none-of-the fluff system designed for busy people who want to build their six-figure freedom business now.

Here’s what you get inside of Startup CEO:

Module 1

Define Your Brand

We’re going to start with the end in mind.

That means going into this with a strong understanding of what type of business you should start and what the business you are creating is all about. You’re going to identify your brand promise and your vision for your business. The clearer you are on this, the easier it will be fore you to draw in your perfect customer in droves.

You’ll also learn the strategies behind building and growing an online business from the ground up. With that clear framework in place, you can take efficient and purposeful action in your business from day one.


  • Get clear on your perfect business idea, how to choose between competing business ideas, and what you should name your business
  • Discover the secrets of how to create an online business that actually makes money (because likes don’t pay the bills).

Module 2

Know Your Customer

Nothing is scarier than inveesting time, energy, and money into building your online business only to find out, after the fact, that nobody is willing to pay for your products and services.

Yes, this is a nightmare that some business owners find themselves in.

It’s not that they don’t want to validate their business idea. It’s that they have no idea how to even get started or even that it’s a thing.

So they just “create and pray” hoping that they’ll be the exception to the rule. Furtunately there’s a better way. And in Module 2, I’ll show you hwo t oget to know your ideal customer in no time.

Meaning, you’ll be armed with total confidence and excitement ot start creating a profitable business from the very beginning.


  • Learn how to validate your business idea instead of spending time and money going down rabbit holes guess at what your customer needs.
  • How to find your ideal customer and get to know them even if you don’t have an audience yet.
  • Get the confidence to officially “greenlight” your busies idea and move forward with its creation knowing that it will sell.

Module 3

Your Profit Plan

The quickest way to get to six-figures (or any revenue goal) in your freedom business? Plan. Your. Profits.

So many new entrepreneurs go in with an “if I built it they will come” mindset. But busy people like you don’t have time for a wing and a prayer. Instead of hoping that your business will be profitable, Module 3 will guide you through the process of creating a rock-sold metrics-based revenue plan for your business.

That means you’ll know exactly how much revenue you can expect in any giving month, and the exact markers your business needs to hit in order to make that happen.


  • Learn how to plan your businesses financial year with confidence.
  • Cast the vision of not only how you want your business to make money now, but also how your offers can evolve over time.
  • Create a written profit plan that will guide everything you do in your business.

Module 4

Raise Your Digital Roof

Having an online presence is essential for your business, whether your business is exclusively online or if you’re a brick and mortar or service-based business.

Your business’s online home helps prospective customers find you. It helps you grow your reach and your influence. And it helps your audience get to know you, to like you, and to trust you so that they can eventually become buyers.

In this module you’ll learn how to build your online home, including creating your website from the ground up.


  • Finalize your business name and plant your flag across the internet.
  • Setup your website with the five essential pages that every website mus have.

Module 5

Grow Your List

Your email list is the heart and soul of your business–it’s the one lifeline to your customers that you actually own. Sure having a whole bunch of social followers is super sexy, but building your entire house on someone else’s land is risky business.

Remember, popular don’t pay the bills. But an engaged list of even a few hundred people can be worth way more than an Instagram account with 10,000 followers who like but don’t buy.

BUT…and this is a big but, there’s a huge difference between builting an email list and building a profitable email list of soon-to-be-buyers. And being aware of this crucial discticntion informs every decision you make in your business.


  • Learn the tested strategies that will grow your email list with potential customers every single day.
  • How to continually nurture your relationship with your list so that they’re ready and willing to buy your offers.

Module 6

Attract Your Audience

Alright, your business is all dressed up and ready for visitors. But how do you actually get people to even know that your business exists let along sign up for your email list?

Module 6 is all about creating captivating content to capture the attention of your ideal customers. By the time you’re done with this module, your’ll never sit down and wonder what you should talk about. You’ll have a clear game plan for how you’re going to connect with your audience on a regular basis. Which means? Your people will find you.


  • The secrets to creating captivating content that stands out from the sea of sameness.
  • How to create a Neverending List of Content Ideas that will fuel your business for months to come.
  • Simple strategies for creating consistent content so you can connect with your subscribers ever single week.

Module 7

Your Irresistible Offer

Now that you’ve grown your audience, you’re ready to take the next step and create products that your audience just can’t get enough of.

In this module, you’ll build your irresistible offer and start to hone the exact words that your customers need to hear to know that your offer is exactly what they need.

Crafting the right offer is as much an art as it is a science. This module will help you do it with confidence!


  • Get deep into your customer’s pain points so that you know how to create an offer that helps them.
  • Separate your offer from the others on the marketplace so that you become your customer’s obvious choice.
  • Learn how to speak to your customers in their own words so that your offer calls to them like a siren song.

Module 8

Simple Sales

As the CEO of a startup business you know that you need to make sales. But how do you do it without being “salesy”?

In Module 8, you’ll learn all about the four simple launch strategies that you can execute in a natural and authentic way–without needing a whole team of people behind you in order to make it happen.

Even if you’ve never sold a single thing in your entire life (not even the chocolate candy bars for your elementary school fundraiser), this module will break the sales process down into simple, easy-to-execute steps that will finally make you feel confident about selling.


  • Demystify the launch process so that you can create a launch calendar that reduces stress and let’s you build your launch assets well in advance.
  • Set revenue goals for your launches, and use the “launch tracker” to keep you on track to hit them.

When you enroll in my


you’ll get:

Startup CEO Academy

(A $2,997 Value)

8 Implementation Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your dream into a profit-generating freedom business with offerings that people want to pay for.

The Content Batching Formula to make sure that you never run out of ideas and risk ghost your audience ever again.

The Irresistible Offer Framework which simplifies the process of creating an offer that your audience actually wants to buy so you can amplify your results and multiply your revenue.

4 complete, step-by-step simple launch plans showing you how to create launch plans that are simple yet effective so that you can start selling your products the easy way.

The Tech & Swipe Library say good buy to tech overwhelm for good. I’ve simplified and streamlined the tech to get you up and running quickly with step-by-step implementation videos.

When you join, you’ll be getting immediate access to the Business Basics Module where you’ll start digging into how online businesses work and the best practices for success in your entrepreneurship journey.

The course officially kicks off in full force on April 6th. From there, you’ll be given access to one module per week so that you have ample time to dive into the lessons and execute that portion of the project plan BEFORE moving onto the next.

We do this to protect your time, attention, and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most would-be business owners in their tracks. 

The 8 Modules Will be Released Over an 8-Week Period

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Generate Rapid Momentum In Your Business (and Keep It)

Bonus 1: Business Mindset Coaching Calls (x2) Let’s burst through those mindset blocks so you can hit the ground running. These coaching calls are designed to help you transition from employee to being the visionary in your business. And for an entrepreneur, mindset is everything.  (A $997 value)

Bonus 2: 8 Weeks Access to Private Facebook Group and Q&A with Tasha Starting a business will test you like you’ve never been tested before. But you don’t have to go it alone. I’ll be right there with you, answering your questions along the way. Plus you’ll have a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs to support you too. (A 1,297 Value)

Bonus 3:  Facebook Ads Made Simple Want to get your content out there in front of the right eyes so you can grow your reach and profits faster? Then paid advertising is the way to go. This training will help you hit the ground running. (A $497 value)

Exclusive Pay in Full Bonus :  The One Big Happy Life 7 Figure Business Plan Come behind the scenes with me as I walk you through our strategic planning process, what worked in 2019 (and what didn’t work) and how we’re planning to break the 7-figure mark in 2020. (A $497 value)

When you add it all up,
that’s a total value of over $6,200!

But the real world value of having a concrete action plan to launch your freedom business that can give you the income, time, and life freedom you’ve been craving? That’s priceless.

Which is why I’m so excited to invite you to join me inside of Startup CEO Academy for just…


$ 297

  • Most Flexible



$ 1497

  • Best Value


Answers to your burning Qs

I’m just getting started and I don’t have business yet. Is this a good fit for me?

Yes. In Startup CEO we build your business from scratch, from the ground up. Having a proper business foundation will help make sure that you’re business is successful faster and also is strong enough to stand the test of time. So in the first official wee of the program we start by working through a Perfect Business Matrix that helps you choose your best business idea. Then we build up from there.

I don’t have a big list or following. Will this course still help me?

Absolutely! Startup CEO is designed to help you build a business from scratch even if you have no business experience, no website, no following, or no idea where to start. I share tips and strategies that can help someone brand new to the only space start getting traction quickly.

Woah, this sounds like a lot. How much time will I need to devote to this?

Startup CEO is designed for the busy working professional in mind. It’s built to get you results quickly and efficiently. At the end of the day though, it’s still going to take some time.

As a general rule, I recommend setting aside 30 minutes a week to watch the videos, then 4-5 hours to implement. 

Remember, you’re building the key to your dream life that will pay you back in droves for the time that you spend nurturing it in the early days.

But here’s the thing…as you start to implement and stack up wins in your business, you’ll WANT to spend even more time on it. Because you are doing work that you love, you’re making a difference in people’s lives, and you’re making money doing it!

And remember, even after the 12 weeks are over, you still have access to all of the course materials and all of the live Q&As to rewatch at your leisure. 

I don’t want to quit my job. Is this still a good fit for me?

Yes. For a long time, I never thought I would quit my job either. While it had its downsides, I absolutely loved my work and my employer. I built One Big Happy Life as a side business (which pays so much better than your average side hustle). I thought I’d retire as an attorney.

And then something changed. I decided that I wanted to go all in on my business. And so I did.

That’s the power of having a freedom business. You get to decide how big it gets. You get to decide how much money you want to make from it. And you get to decide whether you want to use it to quit your job or just to supplement your income so you can take that Disney Cruise your kids have been begging for.

I struggle with confidence and putting myself out there, will this help?

Friend, you are in the right place. What better place to build your business and grow your confidence than in a community of entrepreneurs who are putting in the work to make their big, scary, audacious goals a reality too! The community is here to support you on your journey. And don’t be surprised if you make a few business besties as a result!

I really want to start a business but the tech is so overwhelming. Do I need to be tech-savvy for this to work?

Nope, we’ve got you covered. Not only do we cut the overwhelm by recommending the best tools so you can skip the neverending research phase and go straight to implementation. But we also include a tech library that walks you through all of the steps to getting everything set up, from your website to your email service provider. Don’t want to do it yourself? Hand the tutorials off to your hubby or maybe a virtual assistant ( is a great place to find help at a reasonable price) and they can do the work for you.

What can I expect once I enroll in Startup CEO Academy?

As soon as you enroll, you’ll get an email with access to the course portal in Kajabi. 

We officially kick off in April but there are two mindset coaching calls and an entire module on Online Business 101  to help prime the pump and get you thinking like an entrepreneur now.

The program itself is made up of eight modules, one released each week for a total of eight weeks plus a final live wrap up call. You can check out the full schedule by scrolling up on this page. And of course there will be a course calendar in Kajabi, our course platform.

Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

Absolutely. For 8 whole weeks we’ll be together in a private Facebook group where I’ll be in the comments answering your questions. And of course, I’ll also be doing live Q&As in the group every single week so you bring the Qs, I’ll bring the As, and it’ll be a party.

What makes Startup CEO different from other online courses?

Is “all the things” too broad of an answer? Okay, seriously.

First of all, it’s built with modern business in mind. You won’t find just a whole bunch of fluff and motivational content about following your passion. You’ll find actionable strategies that help you make data driven decisions as you create your business from the ground up.

Second, Startup CEO is going to be one of the most intimate programs of its kind. You won’t be one in a sea of thousands. I will know your name and your face. I will know your business. And I’ll be able to support you better because of it.

Third, Startup CEO is also the only program of it’s kind that’s built for the working professional in mind–meaning that it’s all about efficiency. These are the exact strategies that allowed me to build a six-figure business while working full time as a lawyer and raising two kids, a toddler and a teenager.

And, I have street cred. 

My business, One Big Happy Life teaches regular people how to manage their money and use it to build happy lives today while also growing wealth for their future. We have our own digital products and physical products. We’re paid brand ambassadors and speakers engagements–none of which have anything to do with teaching people how to make money.

So in short, I don’t just teach about building businesses. I have a thriving business that I’m continuing to grow year over year. And I built it from the ground up with no marketing degree, no connections, and very little time.

If I can do it, you can do it. And I’ll show you how.

What is your refund policy?

Because this is a live coaching program where you will be getting a lot of personalized support and bonuses, I do not offer refunds. Please reach out to if you have any questions about the program before you sign up.

When does the program start?

We officially kick off on April 6th, but you’ll have immediate access to the Facebook group, the mindset coaching calls, and Module 0: Online Business 101.

I’ve got more questions. How can I contact you?

Email us at and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have!

Enroll In Startup CEO Academy Today


$ 297

  • Most Flexible



$ 1497

  • Best Value


A Small Sampling of Our Amazing Alumni

Imagine what life could look like for you
just a few months from now…

A burgeoning freedom business with a growing audience of ravings fans. Your first launch under your belt. Extra money in your bank account. A plan to leave your 9-5.

Becoming the CEO of your own freedom business isn’t about being 100% ready. 

It’s not about having it all together and knowing that this is the exact right moment because everything in your life is perfectly in sync (in fact, it’s those “perfect” moments that keep us in the same patterns that are keeping us stuck.”

Becoming the CEO of your freedom business is about momentum. It’s about taking that first imperfect step. And then the next. It’s about doing it scared because the alternative–a life where you look back on your life and wish you did–is far scarier.

I can’t wait to be your guide on your
journey over the next eight weeks…

Creating my freedom business has changed my life. 

I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from a corporate career that took me more than a decade to build, to now being at the helm of a high profit and high impact online business

Instead of getting morning video calls for my kids while I’m at my desk after a 1.5 hour commute, I get morning snuggles and baby breath. I get to  chaperone the field trip (without having to ask for permission) and still do immensely challenging and rewarding work every single day.

And I get to change lives. Literally millions of people’s lives have been touched by One Big Happy Life.

And friend, I want the same thing for you. I want you to experience, just as I have, the magic of location, time, and income freedom that comes with creating your own online business.

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I know that these next 8 weeks we’re going to spend together will change your life. They will give you momentum. They will give you strategy. They will give you the life of your dreams.

I look forward to getting to know you and your business better inside of Startup CEO Academy.

I’ll see you on the inside,


Enroll In Startup CEO Academy Today


$ 297

  • Most Flexible



$ 1497

  • Best Value



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