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The Life You Want
Program Overview

Yes, I’m ready to create my life!

the life you want – the program

It’s Time to Start Living the Life You Deserve.

This is your life, your one and only life. Starting today, you can decide to make the rest of your life the most exciting, fulfilling, and meaningful years of your life. Right now is your time and the life you want is waiting.

Yes, I’m ready to create my life!

  • Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut or on autopilot in your daily life?
  • Are you feeling unfulfilled despite all of your external success?
  • Does the busyness of life make it hard to find time for your new dreams?
  • Do you feel like your life choices no longer align with what you want?
  • Are you struggling to figure out what your next life chapter is?
  • Do wrestle with feelings of self-doubt and fear of failure?
  • Do you feel like you’ve disconnected from or lost of piece of yourself?
  • Have you experienced life transitions that left you questioning what’s next?
  • Do you dream of creating an extraordinary life for yourself?
  • Do you aspire to create a richer, more fulfilling, more YOU life?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this program is specifically designed for you.

Join us now to unlock your full potential, gain the confidence and clarity you need to create the life that you want.


if any of those questions hit home, you’re not alone…

We all want to live happier, fulfilling, meaningful lives.

A life that we are excited to wake up to every morning.
A life that looks and feels exactly the way that we want it to.
A life where we are able to pursue new opportunities that we are called to, whatever that may look like for us in this moment of life. Things like:
Making more time for rest, fun, and hobbies.
Cultivating loving relationships.
Starting or growing a business.
Making a career shift into more fulfilling work.
Seeking more joy, fulfillment, and impact.

But the path to that life isn’t always so straightforward.

With all of the demands of daily life, it’s easy to spend our minutes, hours and days hopping from one to-do to the next. We can get so caught up in the doing of life that we forget to nurture the quality of our lives. 
Not to mention the very real mental hurdles that can crop up in our path.
My life is good, I’m successful. I’m crazy to want to change this, right?
What will my colleagues or family think if I…?
Am I really ready for this?
I’ll wait until the right time to start. Maybe in a year or two? Someday…
But someday always stays off in the distance. 

Instead, we find ourselves living with this persistent feeling that something’s missing.

Lives that are good, and in many ways successful. But there is something inside of us that just can’t shake the feeling that we were…
Meant for more…
Can do more….
Are more…

you can create an extraordinary life for yourself

Start living the inspired, exciting, and deeply fulfilling life that’s calling you.

You’re invited to join…

Yes, I’m ready to create my life!

The Life You Want Learning Journey

The Life You Want Journey guides you through a unique blend of education, exercises and group experiences to help you define your life vision and taking purposeful action towards the joyful, fulfilling life you want to live.


Foundations for Change

If we want something different in our lives, we must learn how to change. Start practicing the skills of making lasting change in your life for the rest of your life. Learn how to change one thing and you can change everything.


Defining The Life You Want

Clarify your  values and dreams so that you can craft your vision for what a well-lived life looks like for you right now. Discover your unique “life markers”–the core ingredients you need to create a fulfilling life.


Living The Life You Want

Learn new and practical ways of taking action towards your life vision, including how to identify potential life paths, how to decide which opportunities to pursue, and how to seamlessly incorporate your new goals into your life.


Ongoing Support

After the course, you’ll have lifetime access to the course materials and complimentary access to future live cohorts of The Life You Want program. As your vision for your life evolves over time, you’ll be fully supported.

Hi, I’m Scarlett.

My life today looks completely different than it did 21 years ago when I was a single teen mom living under the poverty line. It’s even a far cry from my life 5 years ago, when I was a banking and finance attorney regulating the U.S. financial system at the highest levels. I went from lawyer to published author and founder of a company that has touched millions.

My life journey has been a quest to answer the question: how do we design our life experience so that we can create the life that we want to have?

I have spent decades studying and living that question. I’ve learned that there is a repeatable process that we can use to consciously create our lives on purpose. So that no matter what happens, no matter how unpredictable life can be, no matter what choices we made in the past, we can continue to create the life that we want.

The essential components of a designed life include the inner work of choosing our personal values, prioritizing our life dreams and goals, and working through self-doubt and other limiting beliefs that are common in our very human brains.

There is also the practical external work of maintaining the best parts of the life that we have while continuing to grow towards our next level life–finding time to work on our new goals, setting boundaries, what to do when others don’t support our dreams, and more.

These are the tools and processes that I teach inside of The Life You Want program. If you feel called to live a bigger, fuller, richer life, then you are in exactly the right place.

I can’t wait to support you.

As seen in:


How It Works

Our program elements include:

Virtual and flexible. Lesson recordings are available via video and private audio app. Learn anywhere any time, on any device.

Guided experiential learning. We’ve made sure that the learning is easy to apply and start using immediately through guided exercises.

Real time, together. This isn’t one of those programs where you’ll get lost in the crowd. I’ll be there with you teaching & coaching on our live calls.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lifetime access to all materials with ample time to learn and revisit as needed. Plus join us for all future live cohorts, for free!

Plus community and connection:

Our private community forum where you can connect with other members, ask questions, and get support between sessions.

Our virtual meetups where we’ll gather online on video to discuss the teachings and support & connect with the community.

Optional small groups: after the program ends, you’ll have the opportunity to continue to participate in small groups that meet regularly for ongoing accountability and support.

This Program Is For You If You:

Yes, I’m ready to create my life!

what we’re covering in this experiential learning journey…

The Curriculum

Part 1: The Foundation for The Life You Want


Module 1: Introduction & How to Change Your Life

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 2: What It Means to Live A Designed Life

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 3: Disarming Your Inner Critic

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.

Part 2: Designing The Life You Want


Module 4: Reconnecting with Your Inner Compass

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 5: Taking Inventory of Your Life

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 6: Creating Your Extraordinary Life List

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.

Part 3: Living The Life You Want


Module 7: Exploring the Multiverse of Life Possibilities

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 8: Charting Your Path to What’s Next

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.


Module 9: Living By Design, For Life

In this module, we talk about how to redefine playing big from the inside out. You’ll have a new sense of what playing big means to you (not what it means to your friends, family, coworkers and so on) – a vision for playing big that doesn’t feel stressful, or like it leaves you in a tug of war between your aspirations and your responsibilities. This is a true playing big that works with your whole life.

You’ll also be able to see your particular playing big in a much broader context of a global movement at this moment in history. Understanding how your piece of the puzzle fits into the whole can powerfully increase your clarity and motivation about what you are doing.

Part 4: After the Program

Ongoing Access and Support

After the formal close of the course, your journey doesn’t end. You’ll continue to receive a number of resources to support you:

  • A link to all the course materials saved in one easy-to-access location that is yours forever.
  • An invitation to attend future course sessions to continue your work – for free! Our alum participate again at no cost, to continue receiving support on their Playing Big journeys and to continue practicing the Playing Big tools.

After Taking This Program:

Yes, I’m ready to create my life!

take action & enroll today

The Life You Deserve Is Waiting…

  • Full, 12-week curriculum
  • Lifetime Access + Updates
  • Lifetime Access to All Live Cohorts
  • Private Community Platform
  • Live Group Coaching Sessions
  • Bonus: Make Time for What Matters
  • Bonus: Life-Saving Routines
  • Bonus: 2024 Goal Setting Workshop


$397 X 4 months

  • Full, 12-week curriculum
  • Lifetime Access + Updates
  • Lifetime Access to All Live Cohorts
  • Private Community Platform
  • Live Group Coaching Sessions
  • Bonus: Make Time for What Matters
  • Bonus: Life-Saving Routines
  • Bonus: 2024 Goal Setting Workshop


$1497 (BEST VALUE)


You Asked, We Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates and call times for the program?

The live calls are held on Mondays at 7pm EST. Here is the full program schedule and the dates of the live calls: 

November 27th – Module 1 – How to Change Your Life
December 5th – Module 2 – What it Means to Live A Designed Life
December 12th – Module 3 – Disarming Your Inner Critic
December 19th – Module 4 – Reconnecting With Your Internal Compass 
End of Year Reset & Reflect – No Class 
January 9th – Module 5 – Taking Inventory of Your Life
January 16th – Module 6 – Creating Your Extraordinary Life List
January 23rd – Module 7 – Exploring the Multiverse of Life Possibilities
January 30th – Module 8 – Charting Your Path to What’s Next
February 6th – Module 9 – Living By Design, For Life
February 13th – Final Program Call

How much time will I need to commit to the program each week?

First, please know that there is no “falling behind” in this program. This program is designed to fit into your busy schedule. On average you can expect to spend 2-3 hours per week on the course (including the live training session) Additionally, there will be assignments and exercises that you can complete at your own pace. Also, each module is self-contained, meaning that you can jump in even if you haven’t completed all of the exercises in previous modules.

When you join the program you get lifetime access to the materials and are able to join all future live cohorts of the program.

Can I get recordings if I can’t attend the program calls live?

Yes! The program is designed to work whether you can attend live or not, and call recordings will always be posted within 24 hours. You’ll still get to participate fully in the program and can always ask your questions or participate in discussion via private community

What’s the investment?

You can pay monthly over 12 months with an investment of $147 per month, or you can pay for the full program up front ($1497) and save $X.

If you opt to pay in full for the program you will also get access to two bonus courses: Make Time for What Matters and a ticket to our love 2024 Goal Setting Workshop.

As an alumni of the program, you’ll be invited to attend all future sessions of the program at no additional cost.


When does the program start?

The core program begins on November 27th, 2023. The ongoing support, community access, and monthly coaching calls go through February 2024.

But this work is the work of a lifetime. You also get lifetime access to the program materials you can continue to go deeper on the learnings after the live cohort ends.

You also get lifetime access to all future live cohorts of the program. That means you can come back and do this work inside of the live community and join the coaching calls each and every time we deliver this program live!27t

How different is this from your free content?

The free content that Scarlett teaches is in no way a replacement for the program. The broad themes of the teachings are the same, but we go much, much deeper inside of the program.

The focus of this program isn’t just on learning, it’s on doing. Each module include practical exercises to help you implement what you are learning into new ways of doing and being right now.

The program is also interactive, meaning that you’ll have the opportunity to ask your questions and get coached by Scarlett. You’ll also have access to a supportive community of other people who committed to creating their best lives.

Do I have to complete the program before it ends? I have a very busy schedule.

All program materials are yours for life — so even if an unexpected change in your schedule happens, you can still get the full value of the program when you are ready. We’ve also structured the program so that you can easily skip a module (or more) but join us wherever we are in the program, then catch up on the other modules when you have time.

And as an alumni you will receive an invitation to join us for all future live sessions of the program, for free.

Will this program teach me how to take control of my finances?

Inside of The Life You Want we focus on creating the life vision that will drive this next extraordinary phase of your life. And while, yes, that vision will likely have an impact on your financial life, we do not teach or focus on financial education in this program.

If you are looking for support on how to take charge of your finances so that you can build wealth while spending guilt free on a life that you love then our Wealth Builders Society program may be a better fit.

Click here to learn more about Wealth Builders Society.

What is your refund policy?

If within the first 30 days of the program, you find the program isn’t working for you, and you have submitted your completed program materials and worksheets from the course to date, you may request a cancellation of your membership and receive a refund.

I’m not in the U.S. can I still join the program?

Yes! The Life You Want is an international program. Our community consists of women from around the world. All live sessions are recorded, so you can access them at a time that suits you best.

My question wasn’t answered here. How can I ask it?

Email us at with your question!

We’ll respond within 24 business hours.

We will honor the date and time your email was received if spots in the program are still available.

I’m ready to join, what’s next?

That’s great! Click the button below to start you registration process. You’ll then be guided through the steps to secure your spot. Welcome to the beginning of the next exciting chapter of your life!

we’re here to support you

Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?

I love connecting with you and answering your burning questions about The Life You Want Program. You can email us directly and we’ll respond within 24 business hours.

Send us an email


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