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One Big Happy Life

Become an inevitable millionaire and create the rich life that you deserve Today.

Wealth Builders Society will help you take control of your finances and manage your money with confidence so that you can build wealth with ease and achieve financial freedom while spending guilt-free on a life that you love along the way.


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If you’ve ever stayed up late at night asking yourself these questions…

When will I finally pay off my student loans?

Will I end up in a sad retirement home at 80 years old, a burden to my kids?

Shouldn’t I be further along in life by now? Why are my friends so far ahead of me?

Is it too late to turn things around to have what I really want?

And you wish you could tell yourself this instead…

“I hit all of my money goals this month – including cash for taking a weekend getaway to the resort I’ve been eyeing for years.”
“I can buy whatever I want without worrying about how much it costs.”

“I’m confident about my investing strategy and I know exactly when I’ll have my first million.”
“I’m excited to give back to causes that matter to me.”

…Then it’s a sign that you’re ready to stop second-guessing your financial decisions and START building real wealth on your terms.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room:

Why does it always feel like you’re winging it when it comes to managing your money in the first place?

Reason #1:

You weren’t taught how to take control of your finances. You’ve always figured it out on your own.

If you’re like most people, you didn’t learn much about financial management growing up, which means that you’ve probably pieced together things like how to invest, pay off your debt, or how to spend your money strategically…


… All by yourself.

Now while YouTube videos and Googling financial articles can help you make incremental progress on your short-term goals — like increasing your credit or opening certain savings accounts…

…they’re not a substitute for starting from a solid foundation and realistic plan that prioritizes your long-term goals and helps you build REAL, sustainable wealth that can fuel a happy life. 

Reason #2:

You feel guilty spending money on the things you love when you “should” be saving it instead.

The reason you might always feel so behind, fearful and exhausted is because the world has always conditioned us to think that money is NOT everything.

The old rules of finance have told you that you can’t have a fulfilling, abundant life *and* a generous retirement fund…

And that “wealth” is something only the rich can aspire to.

There’s constant pressure to pay off debt quickly, retire early, have the house and the car and the kids, and no one tells you how it’s all supposed to happen overnight.

What they’re ALSO not telling you is that *everything* you do day-to-day is a financial decision and has a financial consequence.

If you’ve ever felt like you need to choose between doing something you love (like taking a vacation) or putting that income into an emergency fund…

This mentality is holding you back from creating long-term wealth *and* nurturing your money to support your dream life.

Money MATTERS. And you deserve more than staying stuck in survival mode.


You deserve to have access to the *right* information, expertise, and trusted advice that helps you build a customized wealth plan and make financial decisions confidently…

… Instead of giving up on your dreams because they feel out of reach, or getting frustrated trying to piecemeal financial strategies from the internet and well-meaning family members.

So if you want to finally reach personal goals like…

Spending money on cultivating a life you love

Saving for a comfortable nest egg

Buying your dream home

Understanding how to work towards all your money goals right NOW

Leaving a legacy for future generations to come

Learning how to manage your money without feeling overwhelmed 

Then Wealth Builders Society is where you’ll learn how to make it ALL happen.

“Implement this program and you’ll see BIG, positive changes!

Getting a structured approach to building wealth is amazing, and if you implement what you learn in Wealth Builders Society you really will see big, positive changes! The roadmap and content videos with the coaching sessions have been so valuable. Since joining, I’ve been able to take decisive action in my finances, and feel confident in those decisions (particularly with regards to retirement), and decrease my stress with unexpected and/or irregular bills. The depth and breadth of information in the program to help with so many areas of my financial life has been great!


Here’s Exactly What You’ll Receive Inside Wealth Builders Society

A 12-month program filled with the proven strategies, tools, and like-minded community you need to make confident financial decisions in your day-to-day life that prioritize joy, stability, and long-term wealth.

The Wealth Your Way Core Curriculum

This 8-module curriculum is where you’ll lay down the foundation to create a rock-solid wealth plan to support your dream life and handle your finances with confidence.

Remember, the reason why we often get overwhelmed with ALL of the financial strategies out there is that they aren’t rooted in a SOLID foundation and a simple (but powerful) framework that helps you build wealth on autopilot while also thriving in your day-to-day financial life.

By the time you’ve gone through this curriculum (supported every step of the way by the program)…

You’ll have a total understanding of the wealth-building foundation that is custom-tailored to your unique vision for your best life.

Here’s a snapshot of each easy-to-follow module inside this curriculum: 

Module 1:

Your Relationship with Money

Module 2:

Defining Your Best Life

Module 3:

Know Your Numbers

Module 4:

Spending With Intention

Module 5:

Growing Your Wealth

Module 6:

Your Financial Safety Net

Module 7:

Debt Mastery

Module 8:

Automating Your Wealth Plan

And here’s what it will help you accomplish:

Define what your dream life looks like (and how much it costs to have it).

Assess your current financial situation and create a solid plan of action where you know exactly when you’ll hit your financial milestones.

Create practices that will help you build your best financial habits and sustain you on your wealth-building journey.

The Wealth Your Way Course Workbook

Inside Wealth Builders Society, our intention is to help you implement everything you learn without the overwhelm. 


This workbook will guide you through every single step of the Wealth Your Way course and help you keep your notes, takeaways, and progress all in one place.

Live Weekly Coaching Calls

Finally, the personalized and community support you need to get unstuck!

When those money questions pop up, you know you’ll have a place to go to get REAL answers during the live Q&As we have every month in Wealth Builders Society.

Our private, student-only community is filled with active and engaged people who are on the same journey that you are. Between live Q&A and coaching sessions, you’ll always be supported by them and by Team WBS.

When you join Wealth Builders Society, you’ll be embarking on a life-changing journey that will test and challenge you like never before.

But you won’t go at it alone. You’ll have wealth experts, our team, and the community ready and waiting to help you along the way.

What’s In it For you:

Weekly live  coaching calls where you can bring your questions and get answers so you never feel stuck or lost on your journey.

Access to coaching from Wealth Builders Society founder, Scarlett Cochran: a credible, proven, and highly qualified financial expert.

Overcome your financial challenges alongside like-minded community members, and constantly refill your motivation tank by connecting with other wealth builders who are on the same journey to build wealth and enjoy life.

The Wealth Toolkit

There’s no shortage of spreadsheets, planners, or guides whenever you need extra tools to help you implement everything you learn inside the program and continue growing.

Here are some of the additional resources you’ll find inside Wealth Builders Society:

The Wealth Builders Roadmap

Net Worth Tracker

One Year Spending Plan

Minimum Savings Rate Calculator

Financial Forecasting Tool

Investing Quick Start Guide

Car Buying Guide

Private Members-Only Community

Like any good plan, your financial plan should begin with the end in mind. Before you spend time and energy reworking your financial plan, you need to know where you’re going first. 

Here, you’ll learn about why it’s important to build a sound financial base and how to work through the phases of building wealth month over month and year over year, no matter where you are starting on your financial journey.

In a nutshell? You’ll figure out which financial goals you need to focus on first, and WHY.

The best part is that you’ll use this financial goal-setting framework to map out your very own sustainable wealth-building strategy.

What you’ll accomplish:

Identify which stage you are in on your journey to financial independence. 

Learn the *specific* order to tackle your various financial goals and how to decide which goal to target next.

Map out your wealth plan with target dates for when you’ll hit specific goals.

“Truly life changing!

I had never thought about or planned out the details of my dream life until I joined Wealth Builders Society! It’s been truly life-changing and given me the tools and mindset training I need to create a vision for that dream; and an action plan to bring it to fruition. I not track my income and spending regularly, too!”


When you enroll, you’ll also get access to these additional bonuses:

The Wealth Masterclass Vault

Raise your hand if you’ve scoured the internet for financial information…Only to feel frustrated at the flood of information with no clear way to implement?

That’s why every masterclass in Wealth Builders Society is built with the “what’s in it for you” in mind.

Each class gives you the need-to-know information without getting you lost in the weeds…

…And they provide you with the resources, strategies, and checklists that you need to take action on what you are learning and implement it in your financial plan.

What’s in it for you:

Access to an ever-expanding masterclass library, with topics ranging from how to create a debt payoff plan to how to start investing for wealth.

A new masterclass every month with actionable tips and strategies on how to implement it in real life.

Designed flexibly, with your busy life in mind: download the audios and transcripts so you can listen and read on your commute, in the grocery store, or at the gym.

Here’s Everything That’s Included When You Join Wealth Builders Society TODAY

The Wealth Your Way Course: an 8-module course that will teach you how to build your custom wealth plan from scratch.

The Wealth Your Way Course Workbook: your companion guide to the Wealth Your Way Course so that you can implement with ease.

Weekly Wealth Coaching Calls: with financial experts to help answer your questions and keep you unstuck and moving forward with your financial goals.

The Wealth Toolkit: lays out a complete, step-by-step guide to take you from where you are now to financial independence and beyond.

Private Members-Only Community: for accountability and support in a positive non-judgemental environment by a group of fellow wealth builders.

*BONUS* The Wealth Builder Society Masterclass Vault: filled with courses on real estate investing, managing your finances as a couple, year-end tax strategies, and financial goal setting – just to name a few!

Get it all when you

Join Wealth Builders Society Today




Wealth Your Way Course

The Wealth Your Way Workbook

Live Coaching and Q&A

The Wealth Tookit

Private Members-Only Community

1-year access

365-day Money-Back Guarantee

Bonus: Access to the Full Wealth Masterclass Vault

Join Now



PAY-IN-FULL (save $167)

Wealth Your Way Course

The Wealth Your Way Workbook

Live Coaching and Q&A

The Wealth Tookit

Private Members-Only Community

1-year access

365-day Money-Back Guarantee

Bonus: Access to the Full Wealth Masterclass Vault

Join Now + Save $167

Wealth Builders Society was created to help empower you to make better financial decisions and start building wealth with simple strategies.

“So eye-opening!

I’m learning everything I wish I’d learned in high school! I feel much more knowledgeable about my own finances now. All the spreadsheets with the formulas already plugged in have been SO beneficial. I need concrete facts and numbers to learn and grow (and not panic!), and these resources totally help with that.


Now, talking to my husband about finances and planning for the future is MUCH easier. Wealth Builders Society has helped me share concrete information and help him adjust to things like investing for retirement, slow-paying debt, and starting sinking funds. It lowered my anxiety! I cannot thank you enough for this education!”

Still on the fence about joining? You can try it out for 365 days–yep, a whole year–risk-free.

The ZERO-STRESS Guarantee

You’ve probably tried so many things before, and now you’re ready to find a plan that actually works FOR you and doesn’t leave you feeling more confused than before.

That’s why we have The Zero-Stress Guarantee — go through the program, get a full year of coaching, create your financial plan, implement the strategies inside the program, and be supported by the community.

If you don’t feel like you are more in control of your finances after creating and implementing a financial plan after a full year of applying the teachings of this program, we will issue you a full refund. 

All you have to do is reach out to us, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment.

Full details here.

Have questions?

Find the answers you need right here.

I don’t have any financial goals yet. Why should I join now? How will this help me?

We all have to start somewhere! Beginners are 100% welcome inside of Wealth Builders Society. Inside, you’ll have access to the Wealth Builders Roadmap. This is our step-by-step system that takes you from wherever you are now to amassing a multi-seven figure nest egg. 


PLUS: in every single masterclass, you’ll get new knowledge and new opportunities to hone in on the financial goals that line up with the life that you truly want to live. 


And of course, you’ll be supported in the Facebook community and through the live coaching and Q&A sessions, so bring your questions!

How long will it take to reach my financial goals?

For most people, becoming a Wealth Builder is a journey of a lifetime. It’s about building long-term, sustainable financial habits that will help you live the life that you want today, while also building your best financial future.


Each person’s wealth-building journey is unique. Wealth Builders Society will give you the knowledge, resources, accountability, and support to help you reach your goals.

How many hours will I need to invest every week?

The program is go-at-your-own-pace.  The curriculum is divided up into small, digestible vides that are under 15 minutes each. You can watch the videos, listen to the audio on the go, or even curl up in bed with some awesome money motivation and you will have access to them for 12 months.

That means that if it’s not the right time for you to implement those strategies that month, you can wait until your schedule clears up a bit.

What happens if I can’t attend the coaching calls live?

Can’t make it live? No worries — you’ll still be able to submit your question in advance, have it answered on the call, and watch the recording at your convenience afterward.

How does your zero-stress guarantee work?

When you join the Wealth Builders Society, you’re making an investment in yourself and a commitment to finally take control of your money once and for all. But that kind of lasting financial change doesn’t happen overnight.


But we also understand that investing in your future can feel scary. That’s why we offer a 365-day guarantee. You’ll have access to the full WBS Library of masterclasses, videos, tools, and resources – and you’ll have the opportunity to create your one-year spending plan, your debt pay-off plan, and get started investing. 


If you show up, do the work, ask for support, implement what we teach and STILL don’t feel like you are more in control of your finances or ability to create and start implementing a financial plan, simply reach out to us, show us you’ve put in the work, and you’ll be eligible for a full refund. Read our full terms and conditions here.

Before you tell yourself “I still need to think about it”…

A Personal Note from Scarlett

No matter where you are at in your journey, it IS possible for you to have the financial freedom, stability, and security you crave.


But I bet you’ve faced a mountain of overwhelm, frustration, and confusion trying to navigate it on your own up until now.


The thing is, you’re not alone.


If we’re getting personal, hear me when I say that I know firsthand just how life-changing it is to finally feel in control of your money. Over the past eight years, I’ve built a multi-six figure nest egg WHILE working regular jobs WHILE also paying down debt, and taking family vacations (and drinking many lattes).


And I want to share everything I’ve learned along the way with YOU.


I want you to experience the pure financial bliss that comes with creating a money plan tailored to your dream life.


If you know that you want to build a financial future where managing your money is easy (and you don’t even have to think about it EVERY single day)…


Where you’ll know the exact date you’ll have your first million AND check that Alaska cruise off your bucket list along the way…


…Then I’m here for you. Our community supports you. And we’re so excited for you.


I hope to meet you on the inside and call you a fellow Wealth Builder.


With love,



“I can FINALLY wrap my head around my numbers.

When I found Scarlett on YouTube, her advice always just made sense! It was more holistic and realistic than any other financial advice I have heard and at the time, I had some extra income to put toward Wealth Builders Society and felt it would benefit me greatly in the long run. I’m so glad I did! The videos are quick and easy to follow, the worksheets and writing activities will help you tap into your brainpower. I FINALLY feel like I can wrap my head around managing all of the different variables by breaking down my budget into buckets and the exercises have been a big help in figuring out my priorities. It’s taught me that finances are about so much more than just numbers! As a result, I bought a house, opened up a joint checking account with my partner, and to boot — I got a promotion at work!


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