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If you’re like me, you spent a long time unaware that you could build a freedom business that supports your ideal life. I’m here to tell you: you absolutely can. And the spark that lights that flame can be completely unexpected! My own multiple six-figure online business, One Big Happy Life, helps people find balance, […]

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We’re at that time of the year where things are ramping up with the holidays and before we know it, we’ll be in 2021!   It’s so easy to wait until the new year to start reflecting on what you want to do differently. Which is why I want to really encourage you to get […]

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Businesses are like plants. You have to feed them, tend to them, and water them if you want them to grow.  I started One Big Happy Life while working a job that I hated, a job that had me traveling all the time when all I wanted was to be home more with my family. […]

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Let me tell you something about to-do lists: I love them. I love that satisfying release that comes after crossing off a task. I love that tangible feeling of accomplishment. I love the sound the pen makes as you strike it through a task.  And because I enjoy working hard, I used to think my […]

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Is a recession looming?  If so, how do you prepare?   We’ve heard the word recession thrown around during these unprecedented times as we adjust to social distancing and closed economies.    One of my favorite sayings is, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.”   Ideally, […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus blandit nisl, vel tincidunt ligula facilisis at. Nam facilisis leo sit amet mollis tincidunt. Cras in vehicula quam, a finibus augue. Mauris gravida mauris vitae lectus vestibulum pretium. Donec vestibulum nulla pellentesque tellus scelerisque ornare. Ut vulputate magna id tortor iaculis consequat. Quisque molestie ex […]

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Oh my gosh summer is over already! It really did pass by in a whirlwind. I think this had been the busiest year of my life. Every month so far this year I keep assuming that things would start to calm down and normalize the next month. That has not held true at all. In […]


Curabitur fringilla lacinia dapibus. Sed ac interdum dui. Cras viverra vulputate mauris. Pellentesque id risus sapien. Duis et commodo mi. Sed nec cursus diam, pulvinar tincidunt urna. Aliquam tempus velit at laoreet euismod. Aenean non pharetra justo.  

Travel Beauty Essentials: What to Pack for Every Trip

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Your extraordinary life is within reach. It's the life where financial security meets personal fulfillment, where your work resonates with your values, and where each day brings new opportunities for growth and happiness.

My journey from single teen mom to Yale Law graduate, from U.S. Marine to successful attorney and entrepreneur, has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, growth, and the power of intentional living. Now, as a business owner, author, wife and mother of two, I've made it my mission to empower others to design lives they truly love.

Creating an extraordinary life isn't about following someone else's blueprint—it's about intentionally crafting a path that's authentically yours. It's about making conscious choices, embracing challenges as opportunities, and consistently taking steps towards your vision of success.

Ready to take concrete steps towards financial freedom, purposeful living, and a more fulfilling life?

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Meet Scarlett. Lawyer, Author & Entrepreneur


Oh my gosh summer is over already! It really did pass by in a whirlwind. I think this had been the busiest year of my life. Every month so far this year I keep assuming that things would start to calm down and normalize the next month. That has not held true at all. In […]


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 Pellentesque rutrum maximus leo vitae blandit. Vestibulum vel est eu sem laoreet dapibus. Pellentesque cursus semper purus, a gravida tortor. Ut ac urna magna. 

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