Transitioning to a Toddler Bed With A Little Parental Peace of Mind


Thank you Logitech for sponsoring this post. Get whole home security with the Circle 2 security camera!

Now that the weather is getting warmer, we’re dusting off our homeowner to-do list and planning the projects that we’re hoping to tackle over the next six months. Near the top of our list is beefing up our home security and switching Reeves out of his crib and into a big boy bed.

Reeves turned three a few months ago and while we’ve been incredibly lucky that he’s not much of a climber, we know that we can’t delay the transition for too much longer. Our plan is to build him a bed, something rustic that fits with the theme of his room. We’ve been tossing around toddler bed designs since Reeves was born and will have to make a final decision soon.

Meanwhile, we’re starting to prep his room for the transition, starting with installing a Logitech Circle 2 security camera in his bedroom.

I have to admit that I’m a bit nervous about the transition. Reeves hasn’t ever been the best sleeper, and I imagine that once the crib isn’t confining him, he’ll use bedtime as an opportunity to explore his room.

Our new Circle 2 will allow us to check in on him when he’s with a sitter on date night or just keep an eye on things while we’re traveling. It has 1080p HD streaming, excellent night vision capabilities, and a 180 degree wide-angle lens so we can get a view of the whole room.

And when we’re away on our inevitable family trips now that the weather is warmer, the Logitech Circle will give us an added layer of security in our home. The app lets us set motion alerts so we can keep an eye out while we’re away.

We opted for the wired version of the Circle 2 (but it does also come in wire-free), so there were two prime spots for it in Reeves’s room in its current layout: on his floating shelves or over the buffalo artwork on the other side of the room. The camera did come with mounting hardware, but we liked the idea of being able to move it around depending on how we decide to rearrange his room once we finally pick a big boy bed and room layout.

Install was a breeze. I popped the camera body into the stand and placed it right on top of the wood frame of the artwork. Then, I pulled out the dresser just a little (we have anti-tip tethers holding it close to the wall) and plugged the camera in.

Next, I needed to setup the camera. I downloaded the Logi Circle app onto my phone, connected to the camera via bluetooth, and it was streaming on wireless in just a few minutes!

Now that we have some piece of mind in place with our new Logitech Circle 2 camera, the easy part of this big boy transition is done.

The hard part?

Actually settling on a design for his new bed. For now, we’re leaning towards building it from scratch, just like we did with Alexis’s platform bed. We’ll have to choose a design, find a mattress, and draw out the specs before tackling this DIY project. Don’t worry, we’ll be sharing the details when we do!




Transitioning to a Toddler Bed With A Little Parental Peace of Mind




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